.Letters to the Editor

Safe and Sensible

Mayor Reed’s wife is a well-respected oncologist, and all he has to do is spend a day in her work to see the ravaging effects of cancer. It has been proven that medical cannabis can ease the nausea brought on by chemotherapy and stimulate the hunger that the cancer treatment takes away. Responsible medicinal clinics treat these patients who might otherwise be treated as criminals. Our city officials need to look beyond their own prejudices and political ambitions to implement a practical set of rules in which the dispensaries can operate safely and securely.

Mona Lisa


The situation we have created is similar to what happened in Amsterdam in the Netherlands when it decriminalized marijuana. What they did, and what we can do also, is to restrict these businesses to certain zones, strictly regulate their ownership and tax them verifiably.

The Oliverio/Rocha proposal would achieve this goal in a de facto fashion by restricting these businesses to areas where they were more than 500 feet from residences. In my Rose Garden area, which is more than 90 percent residential, this would close all of the local dispensaries, because all of them are within 500 feet of residences.

Josed Out

Make It Pay

Why the Feds don’t just legalize it once and for all is beyond me. How much money do we spend busting pot? Millions or billions every year? For what? Is there anyone who wants pot that can not get it? Then if you do get caught you get a ticket. How about you end the madness, legalize it, tax it and make some money off it. What a shift in funds. You save the enforcement costs and make money on the taxes.

Just legalize it, period

Tax the Food

This country would be in better shape, physically and financially, if we implemented a tax on meat, eggs and dairy products. The tax would help to curb the self-destructive health impacts of their consumption.

Revenues could reimburse Medicare and Medicaid for treating victims of chronic killer diseases linked to consumption of animal products, and even pay for the restoration of wildlife habitats devastated by meat and dairy production.

Benjamin Franklin said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” However, death can be deferred and taxes reduced selectively with a tax on meat and dairy products.

Larry Rogawitz | Santa Rosa


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