.A Tribute to the Late Artist Ray Ashley at Works San Jose

This Saturday, Works San Jose opens a heartfelt community exhibition dedicated to a lion of the local art scene, Ray Ashley. The late artist, collector and patron—who passed away in 2016—was, according to Works, “a joy to be around” given his “extraordinary attitude toward life.” He was also Works’ largest individual donor. A veteran of the Vietnam War who suffered extreme injuries, Ray found solace in the creation of hundreds of colorful silk screen and monotype prints upon his return. Now over 30 local artists have taken inspiration from his work and story to create their own tributes to him.

Ray for All

Opens Sat, 12pm, Free

Works, San Jose

Addie Mahmassanihttps://www.addiemahmassani.com/
Addie Mahmassani is a poet based in Santa Cruz. She holds a PhD in American Studies from Rutgers University-Newark and is currently an MFA student in creative writing at San Jose State University. There, she is a Teaching Associate as well as the lead poetry editor of Reed Magazine, California's oldest literary journal. She also surfs, sings and loves a part-sheepdog named Lou.


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