On her Patreon page, where she does the bulk of her blogging these days, she cites acute Lyme disease, by way of a nasty bug bite (upsetting stuff, but the story of how she came down with it is, as always, beautifully told). She is, as she says, “doing the Totally Adult Thing” and cancelling her appearance in San Jose on Saturday.
.Amanda Palmer Drops Out Of Morrissey Show

Heads up, Amanda Palmer followers: Citing health issues related to a recent tick bite and the contraction of acute Lyme disease the Boston-based musician has canceled her much-anticipated opening slot for Morrissey tomorrow night.
This comes as a particularly big bummer, since Palmer herself has been clearly excited about this show: she announced it all the way back in March, and has been adding Smiths songs to her live repertoire in recent months. This also makes her another notch in a surprisingly long belt of musicians that have battled Lyme disease (most famously, Kathleen Hanna, and most recently Avril Lavigne). She’s also been through a lot in this year alone. Give the lady a freakin’ break, Universe.
The good news is that Morrissey, as far as we know, is still coming. And the even better news is that the illness is under control and the baby is safe.
At least she got a lobster roll out of it. Read her entire account on her blog.