For those looking for a true dive drinking experience, the self-labeled Dive Bar on Santa Clara Street, San Jose, is a flagrant case of false advertising. Absent are the shady atmosphere, run-down appearance and rough crowd that connote a dive bar. Instead drinkers are treated to a hip, stylish place, one flashier and more mainstream than any dive. Not that anyone really complains, because Dive Bar is a good place to sit and have a drink.
Even the drunkest wanderer can’t miss Dive Bar. A large, red and yellow neon sign hangs over the entrance; a diver, in a one piece bathing suit and cap, face-planting onto the words “Dive Bar.” Just inside the front door is an expansive lobby: two wall-hugging rows of red leather booths border a large center aisle, each row flanked by a line of round knee-high tables and soft-as-pillows wraparound lounge chairs.
Just past the lounge is the bar;a heavy wood fixture of counter top and glass cabinets. On the center of the bar sits an eye-catching View more photos.
Dive Bar
78 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose
.Barfly: Dive Bar, Ironic in Name Only