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Growth May Be Over
Based on some reactions I have gotten from my article ("Nuclear Reactor Reaction: The true cost of powerful economic growth," March 30), I would like to clarify my final paragraph. I was implying that both the Japanese and the rest of the world need to realize that the days of high-risk rapid economic growth and speculation are over—for the sake of our environment and our future generations.
Tom Mariani
Santa Rosa
Not Very Good Christians
When I was growing up, Christianity stood for many things, but among the most important values impressed upon my young mind was the obligation to care for those less fortunate than ourselves. Our task was clear: to care for the poor and disadvantaged.
The extremists who have hijacked the Republican Party use Christianity as a PR ploy to get good decent folks to go along with an unrelenting agenda of power and greed, and in the process accumulate excessive measures of both while decimating the middle class. And they give Christianity a bad name.
Boehner and company would hold the entire country hostage in order to advance this agenda. And the people harmed the most are the very folks Christianity implores us to aid. Where's the Christian attitude in this? Where's the human decency? And why are extremist Republicans willing to work with such zeal to protect the wealthy class while abandoning the Christian values they would have us believe they hold so dear?
The Republican Party's mean-spirited efforts to eliminate care for the less advantaged members of our community, while fighting tooth and nail to give them that's got even more, make it clear what kind of Christians they are: not very good ones.
Kevin Russell
Naming Names
Inasmuch as 400 U.S. citizens have succeeded in cornering 50 percent of U.S. wealth, and inasmuch as wealth is power, it's only proper that we begin to recognize our new aristocracy for what it is and award time-honored titles to the meritorious.
With a verified boodle of $10 million, you may demand to be addressed as "Baron." $100 million makes you a "Marquis." With $500 million, you're a "Count" (antonym of no-count). Upon becoming a billionaire—or being made CEO of a blue chip corporation, whichever comes first—you're henceforth a "Duke," and must be bowed to by the general public. And if you're one of those awesome 400 at the very top, you obviously deserve the title of "Earl" (alt form of "oil").
The world has a long, proud history of ennobling its marauders and exploiters. How can we fail to do less?
J. B. Grant
Lines-Item Veto
There are lines from famous movies relevant to the horrendous decision in Wisconsin where 18 Republicans aided by Tea Party flunky Scott Walker bypassed the Democrats in an anti-American cowardly move to eviscerate unions and thereby relegate the middle class to lower-class status:
1. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. (Network)
2. I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. (The Wizard of Oz)
3. I'll be back. (Terminator).
4. You can't handle the truth. (A Few Good Men)
5. I'll make him an offer he can't refuse. (The Godfather)
6. Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night. (All About Eve)
7. I don't have to show you any stinking badges. (The Treasure of Sierra Madre)
G. M. Colombini
Santa Rosa
Dept. of Forsooth
Alack, we beg, perchance to grieve
Thou off'rest thine sweet reprieve
For words we spent on Ashland's soil
Hast ere been cut, as enemies' foil
Our heads hung low, our twiddled thumb
Verily, yea, we are most dumb
More on Shakespeare's fest divine
Can yes, alas, be found online
The Ed.
Santa Rosa
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