After a decade together, local indie-folk-band-meets-theater-art-troupe, Corpus Callosum, decided they wanted to take their show on the road. Between all the instruments, props and band members, touring would be no small affair. So they made a kickstarter with a minimum of $5,500 to help buy a bus. In the end they raised $7,443 and were able to buy a vehicle with as much character to it as they have.
“The bus is an old North Carolina school district vehicle that a couple of park rangers converted into an RV and drove out to California with their kids,” says singer Dax Tran-Caffee. “We bought it off of them down in Pinnacles National Monument. Two days later we brought it to SubZERO as a bit of a test run.”
It was perfect timing too since Corpus Callosum are known for always bringing unexpected performances to SubZERO. This time around they put on an intimate show inside the bus. A handful of people, as many as 12 at a time, crammed inside the bus and watch a few songs, then a new batch would rotate out. Corpus Callosum don’t have plans to play inside the bus on tour, but there are other ways to use their vehicle for live shows in the future. “It wouldn’t be out of the question to have a functional stage on the roof by this time next year,” Tran-Caffee says.
The tour dates are still being finalized, but they are for sure starting in Austin on July 12th and concluding at the Hotel Utah in San Francisco on August 16th. Thoughts of their first tour are exciting and scary.
“Heading out on tour is really nerve racking. We’re doing everything we can to prepare, but we’re also stepping out into the unknown. We won’t know if anyone will actually show up to the shows until we hit each stage, so we don’t really know if we’ll be making as much money in each town to keep going as planned. We don’t yet know where we’re sleeping each night, or if we can actually handle being in each other’s company for those 14-hour drives, although having such a spacious bus is quite a blessing in that regard,” says Tran-Caffee.
For More information, check out Corpus Callosum’s website.
.Update: Corpus Callosum Gets a Bus