I was filming the joyous celebration of thousands of fellow Sharks fans leaving the Tank after the incredible comeback Stanley Cup Playoffs Round 1 Game 7 OT win. There were so many of us that we spilled off the sidewalk into the bike lane on Santa Clara Street. Cars and vehicles were beeping their horns to the beat of “LET’S GO, SHARKS!” It was fun and chaotic, and then you, kind sir, grabbed my shoulders and spun me around fully to save me from getting hit by a car. I actually have your face on film, in your Sharks sweater, and I really appreciate your swift action so I wouldn’t get hurt. Pavs already spilled blood on ice, so we didn’t need a fan getting hurt, too. Fellow Sharks fan, you’re the real MVP.
I Saw You is an anonymous “man on the street” column. Email your rants and raves about co-workers or any badly behaving citizens to
, or send to 380 S. First St, San Jose, 95113. Submissions should stick to about 100 words.