You were trotting on the Los Gatos Creek trail near Blackford School at Leigh Avenue on a Sunday morning not too long ago. I was the lady who was near the creek carrying the large black trash bag when I heard you yell (in a nasty, aggressive tone), “Pick it up!” Had you taken a moment to see what I was doing, it would have been obvious that I was “picking it up.” This was how I had spent three to four hours on my day off that morning: picking up trash along the creek edge as well as out of the creek itself. I just wanted to say, the next time you’re trotting down a trail maybe you should bring a few large bags and “pick it up,” too.
I Saw You is an anonymous “man on the street” column. Email your rants and raves about co-workers or any badly behaving citizens to iS*****@me*******.com, or send to 380 S. First St, San Jose, 95113. Submissions should stick to about 100 words.