You decided to ask for directions at the mall’s massage store where all three employees were busy with massages (including mine). Using an auditorium-worthy voice, you asked how to find the Hallmark store. No one responded, so you loudly asked whether anyone spoke English. Another customer mumbled a reply from a chair and you left. I’m guessing you’ve never gotten a massage (pro tip: be quiet). I also hope it’s naïveté that you questioned whether anyone understood you … and not because the employees were Asian. Is there a Hallmark card for “My condolences on your casual racism?”
I Saw You is an anonymous “man on the street” column. Email your rants and raves about co-workers or any badly behaving citizens to iS*****@me*******.com, or send to 380 S. First St, San Jose, 95113. Submissions should stick to about 100 words.