Running the Gambit
Yes, complaints of San Jose’s “beleaguered identity” are grossly overstated (“Responses to Reed’s Baseball Gambit,” SanJoseInside, Aug. 11). It’s a small crowd indeed—those who use the excuse of putting San Jose on the map, when in actuality, it’s all about stuffing their wallets with more money.
Greg Howe | San Jose
Fan Notes
I love your magazine because it keeps me abreast of all the music in our area. Thank you.
Barbara Ramos | San Jose
Bad Fit
[San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed’s] endorsement [of Larry Pegram] defies all common sense (“Curse of Reed,” The Fly, Aug. 18). Reed is indeed politically tone deaf when it comes to supporting candidates. Pegram is simply a bad fit for the council and the city. Religious zealots can cloak themselves in whatever garments they want to try and fool people, but they are still religious zealots.
Besides, how much does Pegram really want this job? He first announced he was moving away and running for Congress—a very different job description—then dropped out of that. Next, he decided it would be fun to be a councilmember. Hopping around from race to race is not the sign of someone committed to public policy. I don’t think we will have to worry about him winning in District 9, but I’m sure it will get ugly soon no matter what his “family values” are.
Dr. D | San Jose
Pursuit of Power
Many issues raised by the right wing seem designed only to foster division and political gain for Republicans—issues like gay marriage, immigration and now the mosque near ground zero. They appeal to the worst in people and play on their fears using religion, racism, homophobia and xenophobia to block any movement toward a more equitable and caring world. This is the pursuit of power at its ugliest. It makes the world a sadder and more dangerous place.
Moss Henry | Santa Rosa