In his book review of Lynn Rogers (“Localized Lit,” Silicon Alleys, Oct. 13), Gary Singh made some unfortunate reference to the self-transformational slop” of Werner Erhard’s Est Training. It is quite apparent from this reference to a program that transformed the lives of over half a million people worldwide that Mr. Singh has never taken the training and knows nothing about it or of Werner Erhard, the man who made it possible for thousands upon thousands of people to live a happier and more fulfilled life.
Howard Schumann | Vancouver, B.C.
Piling On
Anyone else notice that the main point of Gary Singh’s articles is to portray Mr. Singh as a tortured intellectual and an outsider ahead of his time? His writing is littered with personal anecdotes and declarations about himself that are at best peripherally related to the article’s topic. In a piece on the Dalai Lama (Silicon Alleys, Oct. 6), he throws in an account of his own Buddha-like meditations on the loss of Frontier Village, and lists unrelated topics that he “yakked” about over coffee, just, one suspects, to demonstrate what interesting conversations he has. In an article about the 01 festival, he tells us what he was doing in his 20s and 30s.
Mr. Singh, hanging out with artists and intellectuals doesn’t make you one. Having the luxury to avoid conventional employment in early adulthood doesn’t make you a rebel, and jumping from one obscure pursuit to another doesn’t make you a renaissance man. Growing up in a boring suburb and suffering the loss of Frontier Village doesn’t constitute a traumatic childhood. I would love to read about local arts, culture and quirky historical landmarks without being forced to read about how awesome Gary Singh is. Please, Gary, just write about your subject matter. And stop being so possessive of 01.
Maggie Zapadi | San Jose
Gary Singh Replies: Last week, the Dalai Lama gave a teaching on The Eight Verses for Training the Mind. The fifth verse says: When others, out of jealousy, treat me wrongly with abuse, slander and scorn, may I take upon myself the defeat, and offer to others the victory.
Party Numbers
When Sarah Palin says California is a “case study in failed liberal policies,” do you think she’s aware that for 23 of the past 27 years, we’ve been governed by Republicans?
Peter Kuchenbrod | San Jose
Shut the Trough
Such shameless behavior on the part of those placed in trust. Whether the misappropriation and disappearance of funds was purposeful or due to malfeasance, those entrusted should be forever banished from the public trough.
Greg Hose | San Jose