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Letters to the Editor

He's a Hack 

Let me see! Sarah Palin took on the big oil companies in Alaska and won ("Sarah vs. the Blogosphere," MetroNews, July 8). She took on the state leaders of her own political party and won. But the greatest evidence of all that Sarah Palin isn't a quitter is the fact that, after being advised that her unborn child would be born with Down Syndrome, she made the tough decision and "chose" to accept the challenge it meant to both her family and her work. Now, Geoffrey Dunn is suggesting when the going gets tough she backs down. Really?

I didn't bother reading any further. Mr. Dunn is obviously just another hack journalist who is going to write a book in hopes of making a couple of bucks off the Sarah Palin name. And who knows, with a little luck and a lot of liberal bias he may even get a few left wing accolades and perhaps a visit with Oprah. But, with his inability to accurately portray the facts, if not the truth I doubt it. 

But, that's just my opinion

John Azevedo

Santa Clara

Cost Analysis

Contracts are enforceable. If in fact California accepted $286,000,000 (or any amount) from the Land and Water Conservation Fund in exchange for agreeing never to close the parks, then that's a done deal ("Tourists Pay to Play," MetroNews, July 15). Any court in the country would say, "Sorry, Governator, that's illegal, and you can't do it. You'll have to think of something else instead." It's not only that violating this one contract might put future federal funding at risk. The governator is just as subject to the law as the rest of us; and I can't see the Sierra Club and other such groups, most of which have litigation funds, letting Schwarzenegger violate this substantial contract because the parks look like easy victims.

Maybe closing the parks would save money, maybe it would lose it. But how much would defending that mammoth class-action suit cost the state? That cost would have to be factored into the already uncertain equation: If closing the parks would save money, the cost of defending a class-action lawsuit would have to be subtracted from the money saved, if any. If closing the parks would lose money (and I think it would—I've seen in the parks many, many camera-toting tourists from Japan, Germany and other countries who might otherwise spend their money in their home countries or at vacation attractions in other states or countries), then added to that loss would be the cost to the state of trying to defend its violation of that solemn contract.

Deanna Beeler


They Love Us

Thank you so much for the wonderful story on ArtemesiaBlack ("Ghost Stories," MetroMusic, July 15). It means so much to us to be included in your mag this week. Me, a girl from "down under," feels very special :) We love you.

Sabine Heusler

Mountain View

Caddy Corner

Thanks for your nice review ("Tin Memories" by Joe Earle; Book Reviews, July 15). This weekend, I saw an immaculate real early 1950s Cadillac, but somehow it didn't compete with the Marusan's versions!

Joe Earle

Japan Society Gallery

New York