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STEPPING OUT: Gwen Stefani is back with No Doubt.

No Doubt

By Steve Palopoli

REEL BIG FISH sang, "We hate it when our friends become successful" in its cover of the Morrissey song. Just in case you didn't get the point, the band doesn't mind spelling it out: "And if they're No Doubt, that makes it even worse." And it was indeed No Doubt that broke out of the pack of '90s ska-punk bands in a monstrous way, skanking its way to a level of fame that transcended trends—lucky for it, since Reel Big Fish and the rest of that wave were off the pop-culture radar within a few years. Ironically, by the time frontwoman Gwen Stefani got so big she no longer needed No Doubt, the rest of the band could have been singing the exact same song. But now she's back with them, so they can skip to a different part of the song: "A ha ha ha ha ha ha, a ha ha ha ha, a ha ha ha ha, ho ho ho ho."

NO DOUBT , PARAMORE and the SOUNDS play Saturday (July 25) at 7:30pm at Shoreline Amphitheatre, 1 Amphitheatre Pkwy., Mountain View. Tickets are $25–$90. (408.998.TIXS)

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