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Chef Spotlight
Josiah Slone
By Stett Holbrook
BORN IN San Francisco and raised in Palo Alto and Menlo Park, Josiah Slone of Sent Sovi in Saratoga found his calling at very a young age. While friends played with G.I. Joe action figures, he read The Joy of Cooking from cover to cover; while they watched cartoons, he was drawn to the cooking programs of Martin Yan and Julia Child. In keeping with the changing seasons and the availability of local ingredients, Slone changes his menu of contemporary French and American food regularly. Working with locally sourced, seasonal ingredients is de rigueur in Bay Area restaurants, but Slone's cooking takes this edict to new levels of deliciousness.
Chef Spotlight is a regular feature leading up to Silicon Valley Restaurant Week, Oct. 14–21. Each week, I will profile a chef involved in SVRW. For more information about the event, please go to www.siliconvalleyrestaurantweek.com.
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