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Silicon Valley News Notes

Reed Launches On-Air War

In an interview broadcast on the Fox Business Channel's "Mayor Monday" segment earlier this week, San Jose Mayor Chuck Reedcalled California "ungovernable," and called for a constitutional convention to set matters right. "We fight and fight and fight and fight, and never get anything accomplished," he said, adding that the state hasn't really had a balanced budget for over a decade. Responding to David Asman's query about Sacramento trying to take money from the city, Reed corrected the co-host, almost testily: "They're not trying to take our money. They're taking our money." He pointed out that Sacramento has repeatedly raided the city's coffers to cover its own budget deficit. He then provided the statistics to back up his claim: $20 million in property taxes and $75 million in redevelopment funds have been grabbed by the state government already. "It's not good for business, it's not good for the economy, but that's what they've done." Asked by co-host Liz Claman about the gubernatorial race, Reed replied curtly: "I don't think it's gonna matter all that much who's governor," adding that the only solution is to "reboot the state." Asman was clearly thrilled, and proceeded to pour gasoline on the fire with a little bit of Fox's patented brand of hyperbole: "This is like a declaration of war against Sacramento," he said ominously. Reed simply shrugged.


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