.NYE2020: Party of One

Intro | Family Fun | Date Night | Zoom Together | Gotta Go | Early Bird | Party of One

GATHER ROUND: Dragon Theater’s Light at the End party, hosted on Gather, will include streamed art shows and performances.

On your own for New Year’s Eve? No problem. While changing the calendar in our makeshift home office won’t magically melt away the problems of the year, we can surely raise the bar a little from the last nine months on this final night. Let’s start with the basics: food and drink.

Metro‘s collection of dining guides feature restaurants of all price ranges and types across Silicon Valley: bit.ly/SVdiningguides. Peek at this week’s New Year’s Eve drinks and spirits guide for libations: bit.ly/MetroNYEguide

By the reins
Now with a plate of takeout and a drink in-hand, sit down to write out some hopes and dreams for the new year. Call them resolutions if you want, or simply the practice of willing good things into existence. Your goals can be as small as hoping your weird uncle stops sending you chain emails and as momentous as finally taking that bucket-list trip or witnessing a peaceful transfer of power in the country instead of the dumbest coup in history. Dream big.

Set your 2021 intentions out in the open so you don’t immediately forget about them.

Join the party
You may be going solo tonight, but you can still feel like you are at a party with Redwood City-based Dragon Theater’s Light at the End party and fundraiser.

The event will be hosted on Gather, a program that can make a digital 32-bit recreation of the theater with a customizable avatar that can move around, meet new people and even use video chat on the fly (so brush your hair for once). Your avatar can move between rooms of the digital theater to do things like be part of an interactive, live cocktail class at 8:30pm; stop in at an acrobatics show; look at a pixel art gallery; get your fortune told; bid in a silent auction; and even watch a “pandemic fashion contest.” The virtual party starts at 8pm and ends at 12:30am.

Buy a $20 ticket in advance or pay $25 on the day-of if your curiosity about the pandemic fashion contest gets the best of you at the last minute. Dinner and drink kits are also available from Sobre Mesa and AlaMar Kitchen through the event, but not required to get the most out of the experience.

Toast to the New Year—the light at the end of the tunnel—before logging off to get some shut eye and put those new resolutions to use.


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