.NYE2020: Zoom Together

Intro | Family Fun | Date Night | Zoom Together | Gotta Go | Early Bird | Party of One

GAME ON: Drink Virtually has plenty of online drinking games to pick from.

Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Reader, say it with me: hell no. This year ruined a lot, but if there’s one thing it’s not going to ruin, it’s your NYE with friends. Sure, you can’t meet in person, but you can still get together to tell 2020 to shove it—all without ever setting foot in the same room. This is your guide to the perfect night in with friends on the last day of the worst year of the millennium (so far).

Let’s be honest, this year you have to go the extra mile, so start with an invitation. Canva.com is easy and free with a Google account, and has a number of NYE party invitation templates you can edit to your liking. Title it something snappy like F— This Year, and be sure to include any relevant Zoom or Google Hangout link.

Even though you’re not around the same table, you can still enjoy the last meal of the year together. Check out our Takeout and New Year’s Eve Spirits guides for a list of some of the many great local restaurants offering takeout deals this year.

Drinking games
Now that you’ve eaten and exchanged some basic pleasantries it’s time to disregard all societal norms and get blotto.

Drink Virtually has a variety of games available depending on the immediacy of your crew’s need for liquid relief, from fun, real games like “Ride the Bus” and “F— the Dealer,” to stopwatch-but-for-getting-tanked “Power Hour.”

Create, destroy your 2020 effigy / Scavenger hunt!

Once you’re good and liquored up, it’s time to invest all your pent-up rage from the year into an effigy. Pick your least favorite 2020 celebrity, disease, institutional or personal failing, then conjure it a drawing, painting, inkjet printout, play-dough model, etc.

Sacrificial objects prepared, cheer each other on as you tear, smash, and shred them (whatever your preferred inside-safe method of destruction) until all that remains is a nice, warm, tingly feeling.

Or host a virtual scavenger hunt for household items! You know, something fun that has nothing to do with the ritual creation and destruction of effigies. Your call.

Virtual ball drop @ Times Square

With your effigies destroyed/household items found, it’s time to head on over to NYE2021.com for the virtual ball drop. Raise a glass, kick up your feet, and say goodbye to 2020 once and for all. 10, 9, 8, 7…

Mike Huguenor
Mike Huguenor
Arts and Entertainment Editor for Metro Silicon Valley. Musician and writer, born and raised in San Jose.


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