SOUTH FIRST BILLIARDS has hosted countless benefits over the last few years, but owner Ben Soriano never considered doing one for himself. Finally his brother, best known to South Bay radio listeners as “Xavier the X Man” (who DJed on 94.9 FM before he moved to SoCal) took it into his own hands—this benefit is happening, he told Ben. So this weekend, Xavier is bringing another L.A. staple, Pachuco Jose y Los Diamantes, up to the South Bay for a night of zoot-suited Latin swing and rockabilly. He’s looking out for his brother’s family because Ben’s 18-month-old daughter Sophya was diagnosed last October with cerebral palsy. A severe stroke during her birth left her without half of the right hemisphere of her brain. It was devastating at the time, but now, amid all of the joy Sophya’s early years are bringing Ben and his family as she learns to talk and sing, they are learning, too. The cost of her therapy and treatment has been the most shocking lesson, and the proceeds from this event will go towards helping them meet them. They’ll be bringing in a dance floor, Pachuca Cosmetics will be on hand to do pin-up style makeup for the girls, and Jimmy Jam from Time Warp will be spinning classic songs.
Saturday; 9pm; $15/$20