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[whitespace] Steve Turre Quartet

Spring Music Guide 2003

Steve Turre Quartet

Support: None

Date: March 23. 3pm. $20-$25. Palm Room, Hyatt Sainte Claire, 302 S. Market St., San Jose. 408.288.7557

Support: None

Current Album: One 4 J: Paying Homage to JJ Johnson (Telarc)

Vitals: Jazz fans have been dazzled by the East Bay native's trombone work for 30 years; observant late-night TV buffs will recognize him as a veteran member of The Saturday Night Live band.

Breakthrough: "Right There" (1992, Antilles)

Current single: N/A

Scouting Report: In recent memory, some of the most exhilarating larger ensemble jazz shows presented in the Bay Area have involved Turre, be it a tribute to his former boss, poly-saxophonist Rahsaan Roland Kirk, or a night with his Sanctified Shells band. For this special San Jose Jazz Society Palm Room concert, Turre will be alone on the front line, giving him the opportunity to shine in all his well-deserved trombone and conch shell glory. Expect some hard swinging, a bit of Afro-Cuban flavor, a deep sense of the blues and a whole lotta soul. (YK)

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From the March 6-12, 2003 issue of Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper.

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