For the Week of
March 17-24, 2004
Cover Story: The State of Things:
A construction frenzy gave SJSU the West's largest new library and enough dorms to instantly double its residential population. But will leadership and budget difficulties derail the state system's most dynamic campus--and end collegiate football in San Jose?
News: Sugar and Vice
Are San Jose officials afraid of Sugars Coffee Bar (where the waitresses wear nothing but lingerie and bikini bottoms)?
The Fly: This week's political bites.
Downtown San Jose could learn a thing or two from Quebec about dealing with pigeon poop.
Notes From the Underbelly:
The only thing worth writing about is golf.
Genetic engineering may not be as bad as some make it out to be.
House Unbound: Everyday objects get new lives at San Jose Museum of Art's 'Domestic Odyssey.'
Memory Dump: A heartbroken Jim Carrey can't seem to let go of Kate Winslet in 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.'
Shoe Gazers: Imelda Marcos documentary highlights the San Jose portion of the Asian American Film Festival.
Into the Past: Medieval actors catch the conscience of the past in 'The Reckoning.'
Horror Heaven: Another Hole in the Head film festival in San Francisco deliver the scares and gore.
The Weak in Rock: This weekend could be the most musically impotent in recent San Jose history.
Aural Fixation: Courtney Love plays with fire on her fun, furious solo debut.
To the Letter: Sunnyvale's charming Il Postale delivers on southern Italian specialties.
Club Life: The Fairmont Hotel's Grill on the Alley in downtown San Jose.
Wonder: The honeymoon's over for a cast of cast-offs in City Lights' production of 'Wonder of the World.'
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