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Judging the Judges

[whitespace] Local Superior Court contests are open-and-shut cases

Superior Court Judgeship, Office No. 12

Gregory Ward vs. Richard J. Titus

As the old saying goes, don't fix what ain't broke. Ward has done his office proud in the eight years since his appointment to the Superior Court bench, establishing a reputation as a steadfast, low-key dispenser of justice for all. The locally educated former assistant U.S. attorney for San Jose has the county bar association's endorsement for this race.

Not to cast aspersions on opponent Titus, a decorated lawyer and promising talent in his own right. But Titus lacks Ward's bench experience, and even though some of his messages sound appealing, such as that judges should be accessible and accountable to the public, Metro joins the county bar in endorsing Ward.
Recommendation: Gregory Ward.

Superior Court Judgeship, Office No. 3

Jacobs-May, Allegro and Cena

For superior court judge, Office No. 3, Santa Clara County voters have three impressive choices. Jamie Jacobs-May is the closest thing to an incumbent. Having served nine years as a municipal court judge and now serving as a superior court judge by assignment, she has experience in both civil and criminal courts. She has the endorsement of the county bar association and is known for being an excellent settlement judge, who avoids costly trials and saves taxpayer money. David A. Cena has been a municipal court judge for three years. He is respected, but less experienced than Jacobs-May. The third candidate, Deputy District Attorney Joyce Allegro, has 20 years' experience as a prosecutor and recently managed to get a conviction for Robert Gremminger in the shooting of Anthony Gilbert at the Great Mall in Milpitas. But she was also found in contempt of court and fined for introducing evidence during Gremminger's penalty phase in violation of a court order.
Recommendation: Jamie Jacobs-May.

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From the May 28-June 3, 1998 issue of Metro.

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