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newspaper cover For the Week of
June 12-18

Cover: Decade Dance
Metro's Bars & Clubs survey travels through time, with the history of drinking in Santa Clara County and a timeline of local bars.

On the Cover: Many thanks to Tommy Stinson, front man for the band Perfect and bassist of the legendary 1980s band The Replacements, who good-naturedly agreed to prove he's a man of many decades by donning a wig and dressing like Austin Powers for a photo shoot with Mandy (who appears courtesy of Halvorson Model Management). Hair, makeup and styling by Rose Hill. Wardrobe by Moon Zoom.

News: Dirty Business
How environmental cleanup on poorly researched Redevelopment Agency projects has cost the public millions.

Flame and Fortune: Since achieving his 15 minutes of fame, Gary Rinfret's life has been a chain of calamities.

Public Eye: San Jose's vice-mayor seeks $100k in tax money for her hubby's school.

Polis Report: Cell phones have joined Coleman stoves and Cutter mosquito repellent as standard campsite equipment.

June Jokester: San Jose gagster Andre Covington headlines Juneteenth Celebration.

Stem Winding Up for Fame: Sunnyvale's Michael Parker unleashes Stem's demo effort.

Mighty Mahler: The San Jose Symphony roars to its season finale.

Hip-hop Hubbub: The Soulicious show at the fairgrounds fizzles--and no one cares.

Beat Street: Smashmouth signs; Hi-Fi lounge shorts out.

By the Numbers: Peter Greenaway --how do we hate your desexualized anti-cinema affronts? Let us count the ways.

Working Stiffs: The Van shines a wry light on the shift to service-sector jobs.

Twin Desires: Two young girls come of age in Ripe.

Swansea Song: Sordid 'Twin Town' turns ugly at end.

Pour It On: Christina Waters on how to pass the tasting-room test; plus, a listing of Santa Clara County's wine-tasting opportunities.

[Staff Box]

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