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For the Week of
August 7-13, 2003

Cover Story: Rudy and the Ants
Anarchy in Silicon Valley with cult sci-fi novelist Rudy Rucker.

News: Size Matters
San Jose planners want 'smart-growth.' But the march to densify could eliminate what charmed people into moving here in the first place.

Public Eye: Business Go Boom.


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Cast your ballot in the 2003 Metro Silicon Valley Readers Poll.


Biter: Biter finds out what really happens when single women go to the highest bidder.

Techsploits: Up Your Nose.

Biblio Art: The new San Jose Public Library includes some aesthetic surprises.

Gagli: Ben Affleck meets J.Lo in the year's worst. No, make that the century's worst..

Ovation Building: 'Camp' zeroes in on people who think 'Fame' was the best movie ever made.

Slaves of Paris: Merchant and Ivory misfire on 'Le Divorce.'

Heartbreak Hotel: Stephen Frears pities all the poor immigrants of London in 'Dirty Pretty Things.'

Frequent Funky Miles: The long, strange trip of Los Amigos Invisibles.

Aural Fixation: Did Smash Mouth's 'Get the Picture?' miss its prime time?

Gods and Monsters: Cabrillo Music Festival pulls off a spectacular tribute to Lou Harrison and two creature features.

Metro's Club of the Week: The Vbar.

Slice It Like That: Santana Row's Pizza Antica serves up supermodel pizza that'll keep you coming back--despite the military presence.

Survival of the Shiftiest: The Renegade Theatre Experiment asks the audience to help cast each edition of 'Eat the Runt.'

Apocalypse Noel: The battle of the sexes goes nuclear in Shakespeare Santa Cruz's lively production of Noel Coward's 'Private Lives.'

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