[Best of the Santa Clara Valley 1997]

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Best of the West Valley

Vasona Park carousel
What Goes Around: The historic carousel, lovingly restored by volunteers, is just one of the dizzying array of recreation choices at the county's much-loved Vasona Park.

EVEN THE DIRECTIONALLY IMPAIRED can identify the valley's west side because the hills stay green all year, in contrast to the summer brown that adorns the east. Within them lie vast public nature areas, including Stevens Creek, Sanborn-Skyline and Vasona, along with private homes that show what a million dollars can buy. At the foot of those hills, Campbell, Los Gatos, Saratoga and Cupertino are all worthy candidates for best place to live. Residents there boast about their schools, shopping and restaurants. Other towns might contest the claims, but one can't ignore such cultural amenities as Villa Montalvo, the Mountain Winery and De Anza College. Nor can one discount the influence of the resident high-tech giants. While leading the world into the 21st century, the West Side also offers fine museums that keep the past alive. Except for that cocky attitude, one might suggest the west is the best.

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From the Sept. 18-24, 1997 issue of Metro.

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