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The Cave (Mountain View)
1134 Miramonte Ave, Mountain View
[email protected]
no phone available

By Claire Taylor

KEEPING WITH the recent trend of taking church worship halls and turning them into weekend hot spots of the all-age rock variety, South Bay Christian Center in Mountain View has taken on the moniker of the Cave (Mountain View) to hold once-weekly all-ages concerts. The Cave (Mountain View), an offshoot of the Cave in San Jose, was previously called the Divine Cup, and for about a year the venue held sporadic shows made up of local bands such as A Fragile Shade, Wasco, My Former Self and Tragedy Andy.

Kevin Scarpello, 21, who does sound for South Bay's Sunday worship service, says he and others from the church's youth group spoke with Andrus Iljin, manager of the Cave in San Jose, and the new venue "kind of just fell together." Iljin isn't hands-on with the Mountain View edition of the Cave; instead, Scarpello, Caleb Christenson, 21, and sisters Sara (18), Katie (16) and Alexis Galatolo (17) run the shows, setting up the stage and sound equipment and promoting the events. The group says Mountain View is a prime spot for a new all-ages venue, sitting between San Jose and San Francisco.

"There's a lot to do if you're 18 or older, like in Palo Alto or Santana Row," says Sara Galatolo, "but there's nothing to do if you're in junior high or high school." The new Cave holds to the same rules as those of its San Jose bro: no swearing or blasphemy onstage and no clothes sporting pictures of marijuana or strongly offensive commentary. Otherwise, the stage is free to bands of all backgrounds. The venue features expansive standing room, with a capacity of 2,000 people, says Scarpello, and the stage is large enough to fit two semis side by side, likely with a little room to spare.

The Cave (Mountain View) holds its kickoff concert on Oct. 28, 6pm doors, 7pm show, $7, with bands 5606, Once Over, Mourning After and Five Times Over.

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From the October 12-18, 2005 issue of Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper.

Copyright © 2005 Metro Publishing Inc. Metroactive is affiliated with the Boulevards Network.

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