Stanford professor Jim Clark hires Mark Andreesen – President Clinton and Vice President Gore announce tech policy at Silicon Graphics in Mountain View – Metro launches Livewire online service – Adobe Systems introduces Acrobat and PDF file format – San Jose Arena opens; Sharks begin playing in San Jose – Ken Kesey reads at SJSU
Hammer Handed
Just what is going on in the mayor’s office? Many sources (both objective and unobjective) tell us that certain councilmembers, senior-level bureaucrats and other backseat drivers have bluntly informed Mayor Susan Hammer that her office is not being “run right.” We hear that one official even had the temerity to advise Hammer to fire her entire staff. Public Eye, Jan. 21, 1993
Virtual Bill
While Bill Clinton and Al Gore stabbed their forks into grilled Atlantic salmon and chicken breast with goat cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, artichoke sauce and eggplant-pepper timbale (Gore had the goat cheese chicken), Secret Service agents carefully magged the crowd on the grounds of Los Gatos’ Old Town center. Their hand-held magnetomers squealed at house keys and brass buttons as they screened each person who entered the topiary gardens, each animal-shaped shrub having been carefully swept for explosives by trained dogs. Dan Pulcrano, Feb. 25, 1993
Plumed Serpent Controversy Rises Again
A highly touted new public review process on the controversial Plumed Serpent sculpture may not have been so exhaustive after all, contrary to what the San Jose City Council has claimed. While a 1992 report by Redevelopment Agency chief Frank Taylor claims that advisory panels approved the artwork, official summaries of four of the five advisory panel meetings show nothing of the sort. The Plumed Serpent, also known as Quetzalcoatl, originally attracted a small army of zealous opponents who criticized City Hall for spending $500,000 on the meso-American icon. The council defended the sculpture by pointing to an exhaustive review period.Greg Bardsley, Oct. 21, 1993