The Mumlers is one of San Jose’s greatest exports. Lead vocalist William Sprott, spoke with us about his music, his escapades in Oakland and life in general. He performs next at a solo show at Swedish American Hall on February 24th as part of the Noise Pop festival.
Where can people find the covers album you and Eli did on his boat?
It’s an entire album of covers recorded over the last couple years with friends on a sailboat named “Josephine” while sailing around the bay being soft-rock pirates. We already started volume two. (Find Volume One HERE).
The band has changed from the original lineup, how did that influence your sound?
It is actually all the same people, but they had extensive plastic surgery. They sound more like women now because of certain hormonal treatments.
When’s the next tour? When’s the next show?
I’m doing a one-man, one-show tour of San Francisco at the Swedish American Hall on February 24th as part of the Noise Pop festival.
When can we expect a new album?
This year.
Where do you see your music going? Will the new Mumlers tracks sound anything like Bassnectar, or will you be going more Deadmau5?
More Ace of Base than either of those two.
How many Raiders hoodies do you own?
One. It’s a family heirloom from my Grandpa. It’s a cloaking device. When I pull the hood on I can haunt sideshows like a ghost and nobody even notices that I’m there.
What did moving to Oakland do for you musically?
It used to be wine, women and song. Now it’s beer, the old lady and TV.
You’ve got a really beautiful guitar style, which guitarists have influenced you lately?
Thank you. Pop Staples & Bert Jansch and my nine year old guitar student [are recent influences].
What did getting chosen for a Starbucks song of the week do for you guys?
People started showing up at our shows really wired on caffeine and getting pissed off when they found out we didn’t offer free wi-fi from the stage or sell pastries at our merch table.