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Summer Music Guide

InterPersonals: Silicon Valley's matchmaker

Best of the Silicon Valley


Bars, Clubs & Cafes


For the Week of
June 19-25, 2003

Cover Story: Bars and Clubs 2003
Metro's essential annual guide to Silicon Valley's finest drinking establishments.

News: Leap of Faith
Got God? Want some money? Go ask the California Legislature, which has been coughing up cash for religious charities as long as they don't say the G-word while spending it.

Public Eye: Mrs. Manny.

Biter: Taking the 'care' out of 'day care.'

Techsploits: Science for Everybody.

Maori Moves: A young girl reaches her destiny in 'Whale Rider.'

Poor Little Greenie: Atom Age to New Age: The Hulk's inner child in torment.

A Write-off: 'Alex & Emma' fails to ignite.

Peck Journalism: Gregory Peck is remembered in a four-film tribute at the Stanford Theater in Palo Alto.

Hollywood Hook Up: Harrison and Hartnett recycle an old genre with a few new wrinkles in 'Hollywood Homicide.'

A Mighty Hux: They are the Huxtables, and you can't fuxtables with them.

Aural Fixation: LIVE 105 celebrates a decade of BFD.

Silicon Dreamin': Author Glenna Matthews charts history of women in high tech's ground zero.

Breaking the Ice: Let aperitifs awaken your senses.

Formula Drama: TheatreWorks factors an emotional equation into David Auburn's Pulitzer Prize-winning drama 'Proof.'

The Dice Man Cometh: New Renegade Theatre Experiment takes a chance on Paul Lucas' 'The Dice House.'

[Staff Box]

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