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[whitespace] News From Silicon Valley's Neighborhoods

Stayin' Alive
Cupertino--Some 2,500 very energetic folks from all over the Bay Area are beginning a three-day stroll this Friday to pocket funds for breast cancer research. The ambitious lot will trek 20 miles each day, starting at De Anza College and finally finishing up in San Francisco on Sunday. They'll rest and regroup one evening at a Belmont high school and the next in San Bruno, where hot showers and nightly entertainment await to cheer weary wanderers. In 2000 alone, breast cancer nationwide will take more than 40,800 women's lives and 400 men's, according to the American Cancer Institute.

Shoot 'Em Up
Saratoga--Untamed development forces many a creature to prance about uncomfortably close to fancy new hillside homes. Now, unsure how to control its exploding and ever-nearer deer population, the city's drumming up some talk over its latest idea, which goes something like this: Taxpayer dollars would fund special companies to trap and kill the animals on site with rifles, the venison to be shipped off to local charities. Among a slew of council skeptics, Ann Waltonsmith suggested salt licks with birth control may be a more humane way of handling our furry friends.

Love From Russia
Los Gatos--What orphan wouldn't hope for a rags-to-riches end to his mom-and-popless days? Families all over the Bay Area played host to 12 Russian orphans who, from July 7 to 19, ventured to America pining for nothing more than a good match. However, the little ones were informed, says organizer and Los Gatan Elena Mosko, that adoption by host parents could not be guaranteed. Ages 7 to 11, the kids, from a town called Arkhangelsk, first and foremost came to raise dollars for their orphanage by dancing and singing in the Russian Children Folk Fest, held at four locales countywide.

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Web extras to the July 27-August 2, 2000 issue of Metro.

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