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[whitespace] News From Silicon Valley's Neighborhoods

Cell Line
Saratoga--Finally, a use for cell phones that can't be argued with. Call to Protect, a national program sponsored by the Wireless Foundation and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, has a new collection spot at Saratoga's Colour Shoppe Draperies & Interiors. The national campaign is designed to collect used cellular telephones and then pass them on to police departments to distribute to victims of domestic violence. Even better, all makes and models in any condition will be accepted. Bring them on!

Learning the Ropes
Sunnyvale--The Fremont Union High Schools Foundation has students and teachers crawling. The Ropes Course, developed by Outward Bound in the 1960s, was created for teens to meet challenges, face and overcome fears and appreciate the value of teamwork--something both teachers and parents no doubt welcome. While setting up their harnesses for their 25-foot high-wire walk, teacher Gregg Buie reminded students how to secure their equipment, telling them, "Screw down so you don't screw up." That's positive reinforcement for you.

Last Words
Los Gatos--There was absolutely no discussion when Los Gatos Town Council voted to amend its town code and address willful interruptions of public meetings. The revised ordinance states that anyone who, after being told to stop by the chairperson, continues to disrupt a meeting will be removed from the council chambers and charged with a misdemeanor. The decision is seemingly based on World War II veteran Ray Davis' participation on most agenda items at the majority of public meetings. Davis is known for his scathing critiques of town staff, councilmembers and anyone he sees as representing the "private interest."

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Web extras to the October 26-November 1, 2000 issue of Metro.

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