Metro's Best of Silicon Valley 2002

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[whitespace] Best of Silicon Valley Takin' It to the Streets

By Traci Vogel

IN SILICON VALLEY, opinions are like asphalt--they're all over the place, and they keep spreading ... and turning up in fresh layers with big seams between them. Which is just fine with us (the opinion part, not the asphalt), because opinions keep things interesting. As Will Rogers said, "A difference of opinion is what makes horse racing and missionaries."

Metro's readers have some very strong opinions about things, including, we're sure, horse racing and missionaries. Every year, we ask our readers to send us their opinions about what's best in the valley, and every year they respond in droves. This year's Best Of poll once again yielded a record-setting number of responses. So many that the editorial intern's desk collapsed beneath the weight of them, and the Metro computer server has threatened to unionize.

What's revealed in this year's Readers' Winners--aside from the fact that Metro's readership is the smartest and most well-rounded in the valley--is something we've suspected all along. Namely, that the valley's traditional good old places continue to be the best and to win awards, even through fickle fashion and economic fisticuffs. Britannia Arms, Gordon Biersch Brewery, JJ's Blues Bar, Agenda, Andale Tacqueria, the Falafel Drive-In--year after year, these places top the lists of favorites, proving that what is best is not synonymous with what is trendy.

In fact, the theme of this year's issue could be "Buck the Trends"! To that end, Metro's editors have compiled their own Best Ofs, in which we unearth some kick-ass alternatives to the mainstream. We also tracked down some of the valley's real people--praiseworthy citizens who've helped shape our community--to find out where they go when they want a dose of authenticity.

So thanks for all your hard word, readers! Welcome, enjoy and keep on bucking.


Best of 2002 Table of Contents

The Official Metro Readers Survey Results

Nightlife | Entertain Us | Sustenance | Your Neighbors | Diversions | Bargainville | Across Categories | Best Ballots

Editors Picks

Everything Old Is New Again | Stick a Fork in the Road | The Rock & Roll Lifestyle | Travels In Time, Space and Your Own Backyard | The See and Be Seen Scene | Salon and Thanks for the Memories | Sporting It | It's All In the Name | Culture Clubbing | Gone to the Dogs | Fun All Around

Real People

Cheri Lakey & Brian Eder: San Jose Artists
Bill Wulf: Los Gatos Historian
Steve Caballero: Skateboard Legend
Guy Kawasaki: Apple Evangelist
Maury Kendall: Good Samaritan
Elizabeth Orozco: Cafecito Co-founder
PJ Hirabayashi: Creative Director, San Jose Taiko
Amy Dean: Labor Leader


Issue Coordinator: Traci Vogel

Contributors: Corinne Asturias, Michael S. Gant, Allie Gottlieb, Todd Inoue, Sarah Quelland, Gary Singh, Loren Stein and Gordon Young

Cover & Inside Cover Photographer: Paul Myers

Design & Production: Kara Brown, Scott Kinkaid, Troy Kooper

Proofreader: Jeanne Schuster

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From the October 10-16, 2002 issue of Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper.

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