For the Week of
December 2-8, 1999
Cover: Clutter Clatter
Eye-opening holiday gifts for people who don't want (or need) more stuff.
News: Generation C
Called the Silent Epidemic, the blood-borne hepatitis C virus strikes at the heart of a generation.
Metropolis News Extras
- Sunnyvale: School, cops moved fast in rescue of tortured boy.
- Los Gatos: Latest flavor for local water seems to be Essence of Algae.
Dogged By Past: Hot dog vendor Leo Healey wanted to get on with his life. But his 17-year-old past as a convicted child molester ultimately got in his way.
Warning Factions: Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse make their point stick.
Public Eye: Councilmember Rodman? Exiting Sunnyvale incumbent confesses, 'I wasn't paying attention.' Reep cannibals in W.V.
Scratch & Listen: Keith Elam (a.k.a. GURU) and Christopher Martin (a.k.a. DJ Premiere) put together 33 tracks of Gang Starr's innovative hip-hop notions.
Swearing by Jar: San Jose's Ten in the Swear Jar delivers a compelling 'Private Map' for debut CD.
Aural Fixation: A roundup of holiday gift ideas.
Showdown: Arnold Schwarzenegger faces off with the Devil in 'End of Days.'
Dark Knight and Fog: Batman declares war on crime in a new comic book.
Winged Ardor: 'Nabakov's Blues' charts famous author's other career with a net and a mounting pin.
Stink Different: Can a Counter Culture Corporation survive?
One Flew Over Mozart: Mental patients mount an opera in City Lights' production of 'Cosí.'
Where There's Smoke: Some things have changed at Andy's, but the meat of the matter is as good as it ever was.
A La Carte: Whether you're looking for a sandwich or a lawyer, Cafe Nonos is the place to chow down and chat up.
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